*Please use https://www.pamtb.org/events as the final word on any of the events below. These items are relisted here to help answer some team specific questions about the events. It is possible that some of the information below will get out of date. PICL sometimes updates items right up to the day of an event. I’ll do my best to keep this in sync!
Raystown Radness & PICL Jam
October 26th & 27th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/raystown-adventure-weekend-24
It's that time of the year where we ride the the Allegrippis Trails at Raystown and celebrate all of our team's amazing accomplishments this season! Here is some information and a general schedule for the weekend.
What is Raystown Radness?
It is an adventure ride, similar to our first event at Bear Creek earlier this year. There is no pit zone. This is not a race. This is a fun ride where we will complete some type of task while we enjoy riding the trails. PICL has told us that the theme is Rock & Roll!
When should we arrive in Raystown?
Everybody should be arriving to the Raystown area on Friday night because we will roll out early Saturday morning. This gives you time to settle in and get ready for a great day of riding on Saturday!
Where is everybody staying?
We are spread out. Some of us are at Seven Points Campground, some are at Susquehannock Campground, and others are renting houses or staying in hotels nearby.
When should we arrive at the adventure event, when do we ride, and where do we meet?
Plan to arrive at the ride location no later than 7:45am on Saturday morning. We will plan to roll out at as close to 8am as possible. The location is the Baker's Hollow Trailhead: https://maps.app.goo.gl/mvhnzyPGYTBKaGrVA
There will be a lot of people and parking is limited. We realize this is early but the trails will get crowded later in the morning. Rolling out early also gives us the best opportunity to have a second ride later in the day for those who are interested.
Can I get a ride to the trailhead?
Coaches will most likely have extra seats in their cars to help transport riders to the trails. If you need a ride please reach out on Teamsnap.
Are we riding in groups like practice?
Yes! We will be riding in groups just like practice. Raystown is great for putting in big miles regardless of group!
What is the schedule for Saturday?
It's hard to give a definite schedule but it will generally go as follows:
8am until around noonish - Adventure Ride
Noonish until around 1pm or 2pm - Lunch
Afternoon until dark - Ride the Southern trails
Non-riding team and family members should lookout for messages as to the exact times that these items will occur during the ride. PICL has indicated the adventure ride could take up to 6 hours so this schedule may get thrown out the window. This is our best guess at this point. We will try to do our best to communicate these times to everybody as we ride but we do not have the ability to set exact times for any of these items. Be prepared for all possibilities!
What should I bring on the ride?
Lots of food and water. Fill your water pack. Bring a bottle with Gatorade. Bring snacks. Bring candy. You will get hungry and thirsty. You can’t bring too much food or water. We plan for big fun and big miles and you will need fuel to keep going! If you want to ride in the afternoon put more snacks in with your lunch to resupply your pack.
You must have a spare tube, tire levers, and a pump for this ride. There are times that we are very far from the parking lot and you will not have any fun walking out of the woods with a grumpy coach.
If you plan to ride in the afternoon, bring lights. You can leave them with your lunch until we need them.
Where can I learn more about the Allegrippis Trails?
What do we do about lunch on Saturday?
Pack a lunch and we will have coolers in coach's vehicles at the Baker's Hollow Trailhead. We are also working to have someone grill food for us at a campsite at the Susquehannock campground during lunch. This campsite is close to the Baker's Hollow parking lot so we will be able to easily ride there should we be able to make this happen. If you are interested in helping out with cooking lunch for the team please let me know!
Is there a team dinner Saturday night?
There is not an official dinner but we will most likely hang out at a campsite, or off-site house, in the evening. Keep an eye out for a text or TeamSnap message for more details and a location. If we want to make a dinner official we can coordinate over TeamSnap!
What is going on Sunday?
The PICL awards ceremony and more riding!
When is the end of season awards ceremony?
The awards ceremony is Sunday at 9am. Please attend to cheer on our team members that are receiving awards and to honor our seniors!
Is there a ride Sunday after the awards ceremony?
Sure! If you want to ride somebody else will also want to ride. I'm staying until Monday so I'll be looking for some people to ride with on Sunday. It’s fine if you want to head home on Sunday too. No pressure.
This sounds like fun, can I still attend even if I didn’t sign up?
Yes! Your season registration includes all adventure rides so you can just show up as long as you have a place to stay. Campsites in the area are most likely full and have no vacancy but you may be able to try your luck with an Airbnb or a hotel somewhere in the region.
Please reach out on TeamSnap as several team members are unable to attend and may have accommodations that you could utilize.
I heard there’s a skills park?
Yes, Raystown has an awesome bike skills park but this is not part of the NICA event. If you choose to ride the skills park you do so at your own risk.
You missed something, how do I get my question answered?
Post to TeamSnap and then I’ll add that answer here!
Eastern Regional Festival & Championships @ Fair Hill
November 9th, 10th, & 11th
Detailed Event Information and videos from last year at https://events.nationalmtb.org/2024-eastern-regionals
This event requires a separate registration fee. Please see the link above. Registration is now open for the event and for camping on-site!
Type of Event: This is a race weekend, adventure weekend, and all-around amazing time to once again celebrate the season. Please see the link above for complete details on this event. This event attracts riders and teams from up and down the entire east coast!
Middle School Races: TBD. See the link above.
High School Races: TBD. See the link above.
Pre-Ride: TBD. See the link above.
Adventure & Other Cool Stuff: TBD. See the link above.
Lodging: TBD. See the link above.
Lunch: TBD. See the link above.
Dinner: TBD. See the link above.
Notes: This was a great event last year. There were multiple days of riding and events that included rides with pro riders that were former NICA athletes. PICL will release a detailed race schedule as we get closer to this event.
Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Previous Events
State Championships @ Johnstown
October 12th & 13th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/state-championships-24
Type of Event: This is a race weekend and the state championships. We are still waiting for details from PICL but I believe there will be racing options open to everyone
Middle School Races: Sunday
High School Races: Sunday
Pre-Ride: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Adventure: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Lodging: TBD. There is usually limited on-site camping at Johnstown plus local hotel options. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Lunch: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above. There are usually on-site food options
Dinner: Definitely! The tradition is a team meal at Pappy’s Family Pub on Saturday night.
Notes: This should be a fun weekend. We will hopefully get more details soon. PICL will release a detailed race schedule as we get closer to this event.
Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Eastern Conference #2 @ Blue Mountain
October 5th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/eastern-2-24
Type of Event: This is a one day race.
Middle School Races: Saturday
High School Races: Saturday
Pre-Ride: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Adventure: TBD
Lodging: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above. Since this is a local one day event lodging shouldn’t be necessary.
Lunch: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Dinner: TBD
Notes: Lots of up and lots of down! Blue is a great place to ride and race. We’ll be climbing the mountain, no chairlift needed! Conference events are new this season. These are meant to be smaller, local, one day races that don’t require much driving. PICL will release a detailed race schedule as we get closer to this event.
Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Eastern Conference #1 @ Fair Hill
September 28th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/east-1-24
Type of Event: This is a one day race.
Middle School Races: Saturday
High School Races: Saturday
Pre-Ride: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Adventure: TBD
Lodging: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above. Since this is a local one day event lodging shouldn’t be necessary.
Lunch: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above.
Dinner: TBD
Notes: Conference events are new this season. These are meant to be smaller, local, one day races that don’t require much driving. We ride Fair Hill all the time so it will be awesome venue for racing since we are so familiar with the trails! PICL will release a detailed race schedule as we get closer to this event.
Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
State Event #2 @ Granite Hill Campground
September 14th & 15th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/state-event-2-24
Type of Event: This is a race weekend.
Middle School Races: Sunday
High School Races: Saturday
Pre-Ride: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above. Pre-Rides are usually available the evening before race day and the morning of the races. We recommend pre-riding the day before so you have fresh legs on race day.
Adventure Ride: Nothing official but there are a ton of cool places to ride in the area. Please see the detailed information link above for some options.
Lodging: The race is at Granite Hill Campground. This is an awesome place to camp and enjoy the entire race weekend. Local hotel options are also available in Gettysburg if you don’t want to camp. It’s fine to take your bike into the hotel room with you!
Lunch: Pack a lunch or choose on-site food options. Be sure to check the detailed event link for information about on-site food options.
Dinner: We usually stay on-site and congregate at one or more camp sites in the evenings. An off-site team dinner is also an option if there is interest. We will coordinate through Teamsnap as the race gets closer.
Notes: This is the first year Granite Hill isn’t the first race on the PICL schedule. This is a great place to race and an excellent option as your first race if you haven’t done so before! PICL will release a detailed race schedule as we get closer to this event.
Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
State Event #1 @ Penn College
September 7th & 8th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/state-event-1-24
Type of Event: This is a race weekend.
Middle School Races: Saturday
High School Races: Sunday
Pre-Ride: TBD. Please see the detailed event information link above. Pre-Rides are usually available the evening before race day and the morning of the races. We recommend pre-riding the day before so you have fresh legs on race day.
Adventure Ride: TBD. Some races offer non-competitive adventure options. If an adventure ride is available we’ll be happy to coordinate a ride with you.
Lodging: There is no on-site camping option at Penn College. Some camping options can be found using the detailed event link above and there are a number of local hotels.
Lunch: Pack a lunch or choose on-site food options. Be sure to check the detailed event link for information about on-site food options.
Dinner: This is a new venue for PICL. We will try to find a location to hold a team dinner on Saturday night.
Notes: PICL will release a detailed race schedule as we get closer to this event.
Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Adventure Opener at Bear Creek
August 24th
Detailed Event Information at https://www.pamtb.org/events/adventure-opener-24
Waiver required for all participating riders and coaches! Click here to sign the waiver.
Type of Event: This is a one day adventure ride. There is no pre-ride and this is not a race. Middle School & High School ride at the same time. The goal of this ride is to have fun exploring a new trail system and for “…building connections and team culture.”
Start Time: 9:10 am is our team start time. Please be ready to ride by this time.
Arrival Time: 8:30 am to give you plenty of time to get ready for the ride.
Lodging: This is a one day event and Bear Creek is just over an hour drive, not required.
Lunch: Pack a lunch, snacks, water, etc. Bear Creek does have facilities on site. Hopefully we will get more guidance from PICL the closer we get to the event. Be sure to check the detailed event link for information about on-site food options.
Dinner: Nothing is planned but if we aren’t too tired maybe we can coordinate a team dinner location after the ride for those interested.
Notes: This is the first time PICL has opened the season with an adventure ride. This is a fun ride and not a race. For returning riders, expect an experience similar to Raystown. For new riders, get ready for an awesome day on the trails! We will be heading out in groups and completing some type of game to help us explore the trails. We’ll be sharing the trails with teams from Owen J Roberts, Twin Valley, SoMont, AIM Academy, and others.
Adventure rides are included with your league registration. Please be sure to set your availability in TeamSnap and register for this event in Pitzone. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Smedley Park Local Dirt
Tuesday, August 20th from 5pm - 8pm
Location: 20 Papermill Rd, Springfield, PA
Type of Event: This is a practice race event coordinated and attended by local teams. This event is not listed on the PAMTB site. This is a short track race. One lap is approximately .7 miles. Mass start by category. Everyone is welcome. This is a practice to get ready for the season.
Arrive: No later than 5:30pm. First race starts staging at 5:50pm.
Racing Schedule: (see Pitzone for your category if unsure)
6pm - JV3/JV2 Boys (5 laps)
6:20pm - JV3, JV2, JV1 Girls (3-5 laps)
6:40 - All Middle School Girls (2-3 laps)
6:55 - 8th Grade Boys (2-3 laps)
7:15 - 6th & 7th Grade Boys (2 laps)
7:35 - JV1 Boys / Varsity Boys & Girls (6-9 laps) MUST RIDE WITH LIGHTS DUE TO LATE START! BRING LIGHTS!!!!
Notes: Race jerseys not required. Please park in the Smedley Park parking area on Papermill Road on the other side of the trolley tracks
Pre-Ride: To be determined. If you are there early there may be a chance to pre-ride the course.
Adventure Ride: None
Race Course: Course updated 8/19 (it will now be ridden clockwise). Pit Zone is where our team tent will be. Meet us there!
GVMTB 2024 Season Overview Presentation
This video goes over the types of events to expect this season and then gives a brief overview of each adventure ride and race on the schedule. This also includes a discussion of what to expect on race day, new race categories, and some other general team information.
Meeting Recording - Edited version of the Zoom call held on 8/18/2024. Hosted on YouTube.
Slide Deck - PDF of the slides presented at the meeting.