What does your support go towards?
Supplies for the team
First aid supplies, hand-held radios, equipment for races such as bike racks or team tents, etc.
Year-end award ceremony
An important event for recognizing our athlete’s achievements and an opportunity to bond as a team.
Mandatory coach licensing
While we don’t compensate our coaches in any way, we do cover some of the costs of the mandatory training which helps ensure that kids are safe and coaches are capable instructors.
Sponsorship levels
Donation Logistics
We will provide a letter with our tax ID acknowledging your contribution and our 501(c)3 tax status for your tax records. Contact our Treasurer with any questions.
Checks—Checks can be made payable to Great Valley Mountain Biking Team. Please contact the treasurer at gvmtbtreasurer@gmail.com our mailing address.
Venmo—You can send payments to GVMTB through Venmo. Be sure to list your company in the notes.